
Blog of code

求知若饥 虚心若愚

        这是我很喜欢的一句话,也是乔布斯的座右铭:stay hungry,stay foolish。 他说:我们必须了解自己的渺小,如果我们不学习,科技的发展速度会让我们所有的一切在五年后被清空。所以,我们必须用初学者谦虚的自觉,饥饿者渴望的求知态度来拥抱未来的知识。



         做自己热爱的事,Stay Hungry,Stay  Foolish.

GitHub Profile


10 Following
Showing 1-4 Public Repositories of total 4
  1. StableOpenAI
    Python 8 8 1 MIT License Updated 7 月 ago
    StableOpenai is an enhanced framework for OpenAI, providing stable and efficient API request management. It allows the use of multiple API keys to increase request limits and ensures thread safety. The library features multi-key management, thread-safe operations for reliable requests.

  2. search-tune
    TypeScript 4 4 2 MIT License Updated 8 月 ago
    Search Tune is an advanced search tool that helps you craft better Google search terms using GPT, supporting input in Chinese and output in English.

  3. OpenAI-Parallel-Toolkit
    Python 72 72 9 MIT License Updated 6 月 ago
    OpenAI-Parallel-Toolkit is a Python library for handling multiple OpenAI API keys and parallel tasks. It provides API key rotation, multithreading for faster task execution, and utility functions to boost your OpenAI integration. Ideal for efficient large-scale OpenAI usage.

  4. CZT0
    Updated 3 年 ago
    Config files for my GitHub profile.